HighTec Free TriCore™ Entry Tool Chain

The easiest way to start with a C/C++ compiler for TriCore or AURIX™, as well as a TriBoard or AURIX™ Starter Kit.

Version (includes support for AURIX™ TC3xx and AURIX™ TC2xx, including ADAS)


Unleash the benefits of Rust on AURIXTM

Experience memory-safety, security and high performance by design with the HighTec Rust Development Platform

Rust for Automotive https://hightec-rt.com/rust


  1. Please fill out the form to the right
  2. You will be sent an e-mail, which contains your license file and the download link
  3. Download the installation package
  4. Unzip the installation package and start "Setup.exe" to install the toolchain
  5. Copy the license file to the folder "C:\HighTec\licenses"
  6. Read the "Getting Started" manual for additional information

Getting Started

Download Manual

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Application Note:

  • New: Using the Free Entry Toolchain from HighTec in AURIX Development Studio (ADS) from Infineon


  • Migrating Infineon Software Framework demo projects with the Free TriCore Toolchain Download

End User License and Maintenance Agreement:

Upon using the Free TriCore Entry Tool Chain you agree to HighTec’s EULA.